Saturday, October 2, 2010

This Year’s Halloween Preparations

August 28th, 2010 in halloween

Well, where did that last year go? It seems like only yesterday that we were cleaning up after the Halloween party, putting the kids Halloween costumes away into the cupboards reserved for long term storage and getting ready for the next festive holidays in the coming Winter. Well, that came and went, the summer came and is now coming to a close and it is almost impossible to believe that only eight weeks separates us now from this year’s Halloween celebrations.

So how will you be preparing for this one? Personally, I’ll be starting to get together a short list of which kids Halloween costumes they are likely to be asking for and looking around online to get the best deals. Eight weeks is not all that long and will go quickly enough, so it is a good idea to at least get prepared to get the preparations underway. Finding out what the kids are likely to want as their outfits this year is often a major battle as they will keep changing their minds every time a new movie comes out with a strong character that is also scary enough to make them want to dress up as them to try and scare the living daylights out of the neighbors (remember Freddy Kruger? Agh!) New movies, cartoon characters and now computer game characters are being created all the time and it only takes a major new creation to click with the youngsters between now and October 31 and you’ll have a lot of desperate faces pleading with you to send back the cool costumes that were cool maybe six weeks earlier and replace them with this even cooler character costume!

I think you will have to set a time limit with the kids on that one and get them to see a real cut off date of, say four weeks before Halloween to give you ample time to do the searching, ordering and receiving in good time to make sure everything fits and if it doesn’t tpo send back ansd wait for better fitting replacements.

preparing for the adult fancy dress party that you are probably going to host is a little easier especially if you do all your preparation work early. Getting things that don’t spoil, such as Halloween decorations, makeup kits, balloons and other party stuff like poppers and maybe even fireworks if you’re planning some outdoor displays can be ordered now and stored in the garage or somewhere suitable until the party. Same goes for the alcohol, mixers and soft drinks as well as plenty of spare charcoal for the barbecue if your climate will allow it.

I’ll post some more ideas soon enough, so until then, happy preparations!

Halloween Costumes

View the original article here

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